Mammoth Coffee Roasting Company

Manufacturing, Production and WholesalersShopping & Specialty Retail
Open Daily from 6:00 am to 1:00 pm
Driving Directions:
From highway 203, head south on Old Mammoth Road.
About Us
What do you get when you combine a manufacturing owner, who happens to be a chemist, with an artistic administrative VP, who happens to be his wife…? The Mammoth Coffee Roasting Company of course! Mammoth Coffee Roasting is the brainchild of husband and wife team Steve and Tracie Shatkin, who created the business out of their love for Mammoth Lakes and small batch, artisan roasted coffee.Steve’s chemistry background has helped him analyze the roasting process to be able to remove acid and the bitter aftertaste, a characteristic most coffee lovers can do without.Roasting is not the only passion Steve and Tracie share. The Shatkins pride themselves in giving back to the community, especially one that has been so supportive of their new endeavor. Mammoth Coffee Roasting Company has committed to donate 3% of its net proceeds to Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra (DSES) and the development of the National Wounded Warrior Center. Executive Director Kathy Copeland welcomed the Shatkin’s into the DSES community and said she is “looking forward to working with Steve and Tracie and the smell of fresh roasted coffee in the office!”When asked why they chose Mammoth Lakes to establish a coffee roasting business, Steve replied, “The beans are calling and I must roast!” A fun play referencing John Muir’s famous quote, “The mountains are calling and I must go…” Stay tuned for the opening of the MCRC Coffee House in early 2018!!