Community Coffee
Each month Mammoth Lakes Tourism and the Mammoth Lakes Chamber of Commerce partner to bring our local community updates on issues, events and programs affecting Mammoth Lakes residents.
The next virtual Community Coffee will be on Thursday, August 29 at 8:30 am. For this month's Community Coffee, we will be joined by Michael Lingberg from CalTrans for an update on the upcoming US-395 closure between Bridgeport and State Route 108, and Michael Piatti from the JMT Wilderness Conservancy and representatives from the Inyo National Forest will share plans to renovate campground facilities in Reds Meadow.
To join the Community Coffee conversation, please log on with the Zoom link BELOW on August 29 at 8:30 a.m. This event will be held webinar-style.
Stick around for trivia; we will be giving away a Mammoth Lakes Gift Card to the winner! Please remember that complimentary Community Coffee is intended only for those attending the webinar.
We can’t wait to start the morning with you!
Click Here to Join Webinar |
To redeem your FREE cup of coffee, head over to one of the participating shops before noon on the day of Community Coffee to cash in and drink up on Mammoth Lakes Tourism. Please choose ONE location. Featured Coffee Shops:
- Black Velvet
- Mammoth Coffee Roasting Company
- Side Door
- Starbucks on Main Street
- Stellar Brew
- The Looney Bean (Mammoth)
- The Warming Hut
Date and Time
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
No cost